Sports coaches are a leading positive influence on today’s youth.

The coaches at Cricket HQ believe their role extends beyond simply teaching players how to bat, bowl and field. The skills are the foundation of the game, however, coaching is also about building confidence and shaping children's perception of themselves. The approach a coach takes to correct a technical fault or reinforce a positive behaviour can have a big impact on the development of a young cricketer's self esteem.

Cricket is a game but it is also a microcosm of life. It teaches life skills including concentration, resilience, how to cope with anxiety plus the importance of hard work and team work.     

Cricket is a technical game and while coaches can help improve the skill of a player they can also help develop confidence and assist with mental preparation, goal setting and competition strategies. Our panel of coaches love what they do and are passionate about producing great outcomes for the boys and girls, on and off the ground. They respect the game and understand the importance of building rapport with their students. As you would expect, they all hold current Working with Children Checks and are accredited coaches with Cricket Australia.  

They are all involved in delivering coaching as part of our development program, the Victorian Junior Cricket Academy.


If you played Under 12 cricket in season 2024/25 and want more coaching or training, you’re invited to join our Under 12 Group Training Squad on a Monday evening. The training sessions run from 5pm to 6.30pm and these sessions will follow the format of the Academy sessions we ran for SECA in the lead up to their successful Mitchell Shield and Josh Browne Plate campaign in January 2025. The sessions will include a brief warm up followed by skill-based drills covering batting, bowling, catching and throwing. The cornerstone of the session will be the ‘bat versus ball' segment managed by the coaches who will create game day scenarios for both batters and bowlers. The cost of these weekly 90 minute sessions are $50 per player and will continue through until the Winter Programme commences in June. To Book a place CLICK HERE

You can read about our panel of accredited coaches here

Make an appointment:-

See Online Booking Page